#11 Daily Journal

Of course after Wednesday is Thursday...
I had morsyn class. It was 7:00. I did not finish my homework because too many exercises that has given in a day. Suddenly, i heard that number 7 was called by my lecturer. Wow...i was so shocked, that was me, that was my group...We are three members to presentate, but one of my friends came late, so he was not allowed to follow the lesson. There was not an infocus, markers, and the things that i can use to explain...."hello!!! is there anyone helping me not being a catty that has stupid expression???"
And finally, my group's performance was not bad,haha. By the way, my homework that i did as long as i life, was not collected because my lecturer gave us the time to do it. How miserable i am.....  *_*

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